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Making care safer for all: A manifesto for change

Posted On: Wednesday 13th March 2024


The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) aims to help the next UK government deliver better and safer care for all. Making care safer for all: a manifesto for change outlines the PSA’s recommendations to help tackle some of the big challenges within health and social care.

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The PSA's manifesto outlines what professional regulation and registration is doing to make care safer and calls for government to support regulators and registers to allow them to do more to help.

You can view the document here: Making care safer for all: a manifesto for change

Key recommendations for government include:

- Prioritise work to modernise the powers of the healthcare professional regulators to give regulators more flexibility to help tackle some of the major patient and service-user safety challenges
- Ensure that public inquiries and reviews result in lessons learned and acted upon, for example by expanding the Patient Safety Commissioner role to create an oversight function for patient and service-user safety
- Develop a regulatory strategy to support delivery of the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan and manage risks to safety and public confidence
- Take steps to enhance professional development and accountability of senior managers in the NHS
- Support robust action within health and care to address discrimination in the workplace. 

The PSA recognise that the next UK government will face many challenges within health and social care - including fixing the safety gaps in our healthcare system, tackling the health and care workforce crisis and improving workplace culture in health and care.

Professional regulation and registration is just one part of the safety system, but with the right support from government it can do much more to help tackle these big issues and deliver better and safer care for all.

The PSA would be very happy to discuss any of their recommendations further with you, please do get in touch at engagement@professionalstandards.org.uk.
