> Workshop: The Listening Stones

Workshop: The Listening Stone

Saturday 28 November 2020
18:30 to 17:30

This workshop will be via zoom and will be interactive. Donna will give a brief intro and introduction to her government recognised work with refugee’s and programmes in India, followed by a workshop on the Listening stone programme, The Listening stone is a  ten week programme based around a specifically written story .The workshop will equip participants on how to use stories and text with children who have experienced trauma loss or bereavement. Though the workshop is aimed at those working with children, therapeutic stories as you know can also be a great tool to use with   adults.so you are also welcome to attend the workshop if you work with adults.  The workshop is underpinned theoretically by Erikson’s psychosocial developmental phases and Sue Jennings theory on Embodiment projection and Role. In this workshop you will be invited into the world of Little No -Name an orphan who takes a risk and dives into the oceans of chaos where she has to overcome many obstacles. On her perilous journey  she hears the call of Love leading her to her true identity and sense of Destiny and purpose.

For the workshop you will need some paper and coloured pens or paints and if possible some quick drying modelling clay and of course your imaginations.

This session is being recorded.

Donna C Jennings

Donna is an HCPC registered Dramatherapist from Roehampton University with an MA in Dramatherapy and is a Cross professional- Clinical Supervisor in reflective practice. She has worked in clinical and voluntary settings with adults, adolescents and children, and delivers training in dramatherapy Supervision and trauma work in In various countries and Scotland,  Donna is also the  Founder and director of For the Love of a Child (FLOC) a  Charity that helps children  and their families at home and abroad. FLOC was established by Donna and her husband Tom following the tragic death of their son Samuel, FLOC’S first project “The Sam’s House-Little friendly Space - Project” was set up in honour of his memory. A Sam’s house offers safe therapeutic play spaces to little Syrian refugee children (in tented settlement areas) that have experienced trauma due to war, conflict and loss. (www.fortheloveofachild.org.uk)

Donna is passionate about training and equipping others to help children, young persons  and families deal with the effects of bereavement /trauma and ACES, and has written psycho-social therapeutic programs for parents/ professionals in educational voluntary and Clinical  settings  to help them creatively engage children, to help  process some of their trauma. She is particularly keen on early intervention and the power of  creativity stories and play to offer timely interventions to help children not get stuck developmentally in their trauma, but to help them build trust ,explore express and unlock pain to help them build resilience and hope for the future.