The Primary Care Clinicians PhD programme will contribute to building a sustainable, multi-professional clinical academic workforce. The programme will underpin developments in primary care through evidence-based research. It will deliver a cadre of excellent primary care researchers who will support primary care to develop and thrive as it addresses future (and current) challenges.
Led by the NIHR School for Primary Care Research (NIHR SPCR), the PhD programme is a collaboration between the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Exeter, Keele, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford, Queen Mary University of London, Southampton and University College London.
Working across 10 departments of primary care provides extraordinary critical mass enabling a broad and inclusive supervisory pool – which is particularly important because primary care research encompasses many disciplines, epistemologies and methodologies.
Applications are invited from nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, general practitioners and other health care clinicians working in primary care wanting to study for a PhD. Up to five PhDs will be funded. Applicants can either propose their own project or can choose from one of the projects available across our 10 members. Full details about the programme FAQs and the list of available projects and the application form will be available here in early September.
A Webinar about the scheme will be held on 5th October 2024, 1 – 2pm,
details and register here
application window will open on September 4th 2023; with the closing date being 12 noon 20th December 2023.
Interviews will be held on 5th and 6th February 2024 face to face in Birmingham. Successful applicants will be starting their doctorates in October 2024.
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