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Application for Membership of BADth
Membership Type | Personal Details | Confirmation
Step 1 - Membership Type
Please indicate which type of membership is required

Qualified Dramatherapists registered with the HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council)

Any person who has successfully completed Dramatherapy Training which would allow them to apply for HCPC registration as a Dramatherapist.

Any person undertaking recognised post-graduate full or part time Dramatherapy training.

Any person who has qualified as a Dramatherapist and is living outside the UK.

Anyone interested in furthering the aims of the Association.

Any full member who has maintained their membership of BADth for at least five consecutive years prior to full retirement from Dramatherapy practice.
Full Fees due in January

Fees split and paid in January and July

Please note if you join part way through the year you will be charged for all remaining part and full months.