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The Journal

The Journal is a voice of both the membership and our profession by providing a forum for writing about our practice and our research. New and experienced authors are encouraged to submit proposals for papers, clinical comment and book reviews, and support for new authors is offered through mentoring and editing suggestions. We also encourage publications in under researched areas through special issues. The Journal is produced by the Editorial Board in collaboration with the publisher. The board consists of the Editor, Deputy Editor, Book Review Editor and board members.

BADth members can access the Dramatherapy Journal online via the BADth member area.

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What's Inside...

Papers: ideas for papers should be summarised in a 200 word abstract and sent to the Editor, Drew Bird at D.P.Bird@derby.ac.uk where it will be considered for publication. Papers should be between 3000-5000 words. Please see the submission process below.

Clinical Comment: this is a description of a piece of work with a particular group, setting or research. A Clinical Comment should be shorter than a paper at around 1500-3500 words.

Book reviews: these are for new publications in dramatherapy and related fields, including others arts therapy modalities, psychology, neuroscience, theatre, creativity and stories.