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QNLD standards for inpatient services

Posted On: Tuesday 18th May 2021


The new QNLD standards for inpatient services have now been published. Our Vice Chair, Jane Bourne, has been working with the Learning Disability senate to produce these.

Full Story

Since publication of the 3rd edition of the Quality Network for Learning Disability (QNLD) standards for Accreditation of Inpatient Assessment and Treatment units for adults with Intellectual Disability, there have been significant national policy initiatives, including STOMP, and guidance from various statutory bodies in the UK. The CCQI has worked hard to ensure that this, the 4th edition reflects the changes in legislation, practice and the evolving ethos in inpatient services since the publication of the last edition. This revision has involved extensive consultation and collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders ranging from representatives of carer groups, members of various professional Colleges, NHS England, the Intellectual Disability Senate, the third sector and the inpatient units themselves.

During the course of this exercise, many new standards have been introduced and some old ones modified or removed following guidance from our stakeholders. There has been a consensus among them towards moving to more Type 1 standards in keeping with the prevailing drive towards improving quality of care of people with intellectual disability. Other changes are as a result of a desire to make the standards as user friendly as possible.

qnld-fourth-edition-standards.pdf (rcpsych.ac.uk)